Risk advisory and due diligence for investors

我们可以帮助您进行尽职调查,降低投资组合和战略中的运营风险. 我们评估资产管理人, 托管人和其他服务提供者来帮助指导您的决策并实现您的治理目标. 我们还可以审查您的内部运营,以帮助确保它们符合美世的最佳实践.

Operational due diligence is critical for investments

Building and maintaining an investment portfolio requires significant work across many functions. One of the most important areas is operational due diligence. 在签约之前,试图获得对服务提供商的详细了解是一个多层次的过程,也是一个关键的过程. When appointing asset managers, your operational due diligence process helps you understand their investment strategies, 结构, 资源, 政策, 系统和其他必需品.

When conducting due diligence reviews, 我们的主要重点是帮助您区分管理良好的资产管理公司和其他服务提供商,如托管人, from those that potentially expose you to increased and unnecessary risks and costs. We can help you assess these providers and support you with risk mitigation. 

Considerations when assessing service providers

Each time you appoint a new asset manager into your portfolio, you establish a fresh relationship with a new organisation. This brings challenges, risks, and opportunities.



指定一个保管人意味着进入你将建立的最重要的关系之一. Your custodian is ultimately responsible for the safety of your assets, accurate processing and managing your investment data. 这包括支持您投资的日常运营的所有管理职能.

根据我们的经验, 拥有一个符合您当前和未来需求的保管人对您的组织的成功至关重要. 安全和健全的投资管理和内部控制是您投资安排几乎每一个方面的基石.

Four stages of a robust operational due diligence process

当您寻求任命最适合支持您的业务目标的供应商时,强大的运营尽职调查流程可以发挥重要作用. Four key areas of focus could help you uncover the necessary information:
  1. Understand the operating model 
    您将需要对您的资产管理公司(或其他提供商)的操作模型有一个全面的了解. 在这个初始阶段, you should obtain a top-level view of the organisation’s qualities, 文化和优先事项.
  2. Carry out on-site meetings where feasible 
    在评估服务提供商的文化和确定该业务是否拥有适当水平的资源来支持您的任务和更广泛的目标时,第一手探索服务提供商的工作环境非常有用. If feasible, and an onsite meeting can help you verify and validate your initial findings. 
  3. 记录你的发现 
    After completing your on-site review, 记录你的发现并记录任何额外的信息来支持你的决策是至关重要的. 准确记录您的运营尽职调查结果也将有助于向监管机构和利益相关者展示您的流程的稳健性.
  4. 计划你的下一步 
    One you have established a thorough and properly documented process, you should be well placed to take any subsequent actions and follow up on any areas of concern. Your operational due diligence outcomes should help you feel confident in making the right decision, in accordance with your specific risk appetite.

How we can support your operational due diligence needs 

Leveraging our extensive experience in the investment industry, we can help you gain a deeper understanding of your requirements. We have access to a deep insights base, including a proprietary database of industry practices as well as analytical tools. 我们的团队有50名专业人员1 are located across the Pacific, North America, Europe, and Asia regions. 
  • 操作风险评估

    我们可以帮助您开发符合您的治理要求和预算的操作性尽职调查流程. 我们针对美世最佳实践的评估流程和专有基准可以帮助您选择和监控满足您需求的服务提供商. 
  • 操作风险咨询

    Leveraging our operational due diligence framework, 我们可以对您投资过程中哪些操作需要改进进行评估并提供建议. We help you understand whether your existing operating model is appropriate and competitive, 相对于你的同龄人.
  • 托管人咨询

    We have extensive experience advising on custodian selection. 我们的评估流程和针对最佳实践的专有基准可以帮助您选择最适合您需求的服务提供商.
  • 证券借贷

  • 持续的监控

  • 当地的专业知识

    We have professionals around the world ready to support you. 我们可以评估您和您的服务提供商所在的不同监管辖区内可能遇到的区域细微差别. 

How we helped a global insurer with due diligence


内部审计发现,需要对外部资产管理公司的关系进行强有力的业务尽职调查和监督. This included an analysis of governance 结构s, 企业因素, 公司的声誉, 合规, 操作, 和环境, social and governance (ESG) capabilities. The client also wanted a risk scoring system to highlight areas of potential concern.


Working closely with client stakeholders, we were able to demonstrate a high level of professionalism and technical ability.


Our existing database of operational due diligence reports was of significant use to the client, informing decision-making on legacy and new external manager appointments.


It's all here: 美世Insight®社区

简化搜索. 从投资行业的思想领袖那里获得适合您兴趣的战略研究, including 美世 and hundreds of third‑party publishers. Membership is complimentary, and it takes seconds to sign up.

Leverage our breadth and depth


US $16.2 trillion in global assets under advisement1


US $492 billion in global assets under management2


More than 11,900 investment strategies rated3


More than 3,000 asset managers rated4

* 1 2023年6月30日  2 2024年6月30日,  3 2024年3月31日,  4 2024年3月31日


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