A defined contribution pension plan designed to benefit you and your employees 

We offer defined contribution (DC) pension plans and retirement solutions, including outsourced chief investment officer (OCIO) services in many countries 世界各地. 我们可以帮你设计, 计划和管理定制的DC计划或实施完全外包的解决方案,旨在帮助您实现业务目标,同时满足员工的退休需求.

Implementing a defined contribution pension strategy 

A defined contribution (DC) plan aims to minimise a firm’s exposure to the pension risk, 传统固定收益(DB)计划固有的长期财务不确定性和波动性. However, DC plans can be complex and burdensome, and bring new risks and responsibilities. 还有投资, 雇主需要考虑治理问题, risk, 成员敬业度和退休准备.

构建最佳战略从设计和实施开始,然后涉及管理或外包计划的交付,使组织目标与劳动力人口统计数据保持一致. 最大化你的时间回报, 为计划所做的努力和贡献, it's important for employers to optimise retirement outcomes for employees. 有吸引力的工具可以帮助员工根据投资策略的变化为自己的退休结果建模, 退休年龄和缴费率.

Investment responsibilities of defined contribution pension plan providers

我们可以帮助您找到一个最佳的养老金工具和投资结构,要么由您的内部团队管理,要么将某些要素外包给第三方专家. 我们也可以推荐我们认为能为员工提供合适选择的产品, while staying aligned to company objectives.

As employees reach various life milestones, their choice of investment strategy may change. 我们可以帮助您建立DC投资结构,提供灵活的资产配置选择,并在成员工作生涯的各个阶段平衡风险和预期回报.

我们可以利用我们广泛的全球行业研究,为您提供量身定制的投资经理和基金选择建议,以支持您所选择的策略. We also advise on emerging market trends and opportunities, along with new product innovation.

We can help you offer employees an optimised investment strategy, finding the appropriate mix of expected return, 风险和分散投资. 我们以基金经理的业绩和收费为基准, enabling you to identify any areas where changes could improve outcomes for employees.


We can help you monitor your DC plans to ensure you stay on top of take-up rates, 贡献水平, 投资选择, investment manager performance and any other provider performance. 我们还可以帮助您完成合规任务. 

Building an optimal defined contribution strategy

  • Do you have access to robust investment research?
    我们不断调查, test and monitor investment managers and products, 世界各地, to provide you with the most up-to-date information and ideas.
  • Have you sought advice from an investment professional?
    Whether you want to streamline your plan or determine the right investment strategies to adopt, 我们可以提供合理的建议和指导,帮助您优化为员工提供的服务,并在全球供应商格局中导航.
  • 您考虑过第三方解决方案吗?
    我们可以帮助您减少与运行您自己的自我管理计划相关的管理和遵从性负担, 这可能涉及到将管理计划的元素转移到为您的组织量身定制的第三方打包解决方案中, 和员工.

Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index 2022

We benchmark 44 retirement income systems 世界各地, highlighting strengths and weaknesses.

Defined contribution pension plan solutions

我们可以根据您的业务需求,为您的员工提供灵活的投资机会,并为您提供定制的固定缴款(DC)计划. We can also support you with all aspects of DC pension provision, 从投资到管理, enabling you to focus resources on your core business. Some solutions differ from region to region. Contact us to find out what is available where you are.
  • Master Trust 

    We offer master trust solutions in Australia, the UK, 与阿联酋的Equiom fiducary Services (Middle East) Limited合作,提供投资咨询和解决方案;与南非的Alexander Forbes合作,提供投资解决方案.
  • 美世智慧401(k)计划 

    A fully outsourced retirement plan solution that seeks to reduce the complexities, costs and fiduciary risk associated with managing a defined contribution plan. Mercer acts as a named fiduciary responsible for the operation and investments for the plan. 在美国我们提供401(k)计划.
  • 美世智慧PEP

    A pooled employer plan that seeks to lower plan costs, improve access to innovative investment management, and transfer administrative and fiduciary burdens to a third party. 我们可以帮助您评估潜在的优点和缺点,并确定最适合您的车辆. We offer 美世智慧PEP in the United States. 

How outsourcing your commitments could help you

越来越多的雇主选择与专业投资提供商合作,帮助他们管理固定缴款(DC)养老金承诺. While this approach has many names 世界各地 – outsourced CIO, OCIO, 授权解决方案, 信托管理-目的是一样的:提供解决方案,使计划提供者能够更有效地实现他们的目标.

通过外包模型, employers and other providers maintain control over the critical decisions, 比如策略, 计划设计和资产配置, 留下技术和战术任务, including investment manager selection and monitoring, 尽职调查和监督, 给像美世这样的第三方专家. 我们提供一系列外包养老金和退休解决方案,以满足全球客户的需求. Contact us 了解更多.



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